Candy Opera

As Candy Opera release their debut album after 35 years in the wilderness, Neil Cooper talks about life in the 1980s with Liverpool’s great lost band

Denise Johnson

Ahead of two Scottish dates, velvet-voiced soul singer Denise Johnson talks to Neil Coooper about her new album of acoustic covers of Manchester bands

Hip priest

Neil Cooper on four decades of the contrary, belligerent and brilliant Mark E Smith

Photos by Jonathan Furmanski

A big big love

They may be ambivalent to one another, but the Pixies’ music is still adored as the documentary charting their reunion reveals. By Alastair McKay

Adventures close to home

Alistair Braidwood talks to Viv Albertine, legendary guitarist with pioneering all-girl group the Slits.

Those to whom evil is done

Chris Harvie on warnings from history and the shitstorm to come