A new poem by Lauren Clarke
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man, are you alright
how’d that feel, tae try yer luck
tae net a catch like her, looks like yer dashed
upon that rock
that wisna a carp, but a Siren, see
mon, dry aff
we’ll have a talk
be nice boy, a lesson learned’ll stand you well
in time
or know, that Siren’ll sound again
tae bring you back in line
times’ve changed fae yer faither’s day
boo hoo, you knew it true
long afore ye tried tae sail in search of treasured goods
greedy, like a pirate thief
ye tried tae steal soft hearts
wi force or calculated words, you stormed
who was hurt
you were too eager for the jewels and gold
and feigned that it was owed
She saw you there
Unfurled her wings
a Rapture tae behold
turns oot, yer Jolly Rodgers face,
it marks a fate most cursed
for there’s Sirens watching, how you sail
and there’s talons oan those birds
so, be nice boy, or
be ready
for that luring songbird’s sound
you simply won’t tell it apart and
She’ll run ye
tae the ground
a vengeance kill,
for sisters lost
for mithers wronged in youth
for the girls they were, for the wans that’ll be
they’ll fight ye, nail and tooth
pose idly in wait for you, and the shark
that ye hink that ye are
She’ll strike as you dare bare yer teeth
swim fast,
ye won’t get far
so, be nice boy, as you were taught
avoid these ragged stones
treat people wi respect, and live
tae see those same birds
guide ye home